Friday, March 9, 2012

About Abortion

These times are controversial times. Abortion and birth control are the them that the GOP has been discussing.

Why was abortion legalized? Why was so much research spent on birth control and why was it legalized? Those are the questions we have to ask and make public because the young American voter was not there 50 years ago when it was necessary to stop the carnage.

The GOP makes the argument that babies are being indiscriminately killed by unscrupulous doctors. Which of course it is not true. Abortion is a medical procedure. I am not diminishing the value of life or the moral dilemma that abortion brings. But, we all were given free will, which makes it a matter of choice.

If we make abortion illegal, will that stop the “killing of babies”? To know the answer we have to go back to the time in which abortion was illegal. Lets go back to the pictures of old cases where young women and babies were found killed just by a coat hanger. A young woman, not able to face the stigma of pregnancy before marriage would choose to abort on her own by using a coat hanger to puncture her uterus in order to abort.

We cannot have it both ways. We can either say we want both to die or we can save just one. Those women who will look to abort will be daughters, granddaughters, sisters. We will have to accept the guilt their death will bring. As a God created person and a believer that God holds life precious I am pro-life. Meaning I will always choose and will always counsel any person to pass life onward. But as a conscientious voter who is faced with the question who would you vote for I will vote for those who are pro choice. Because I rather see the woman alive, than to have over my conscience the death of both woman and baby.

I find it is ignorant on the part of the voter to choose on the basis of party lines in this matter. And I find it criminal on the part of legislator to create publicity and play to the emotions of a believing public to gain political advantage over another candidate.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

how contradictory

How many in America see how contradictory our lives have been lately? Take those who believe that you can be in favor of creating jobs and be also in favor of debt reduction at the same time that we contemplate to give a tax break to those who can better afford to pay it and at the same time stop the unemployment benefits to those who are most likely to need to spend.
And how contradictory is it that the Republicans won in those states where unemployment is the highest with the platform of "we do not want Obama to succeed". How can they be for increasing the employment possibilities if the main issue is whether this president is successful or not.
And how contradictory is it again when this Diebold ballot counting computers are easily hacked by anyone (See: documentary Hacking Democracy). I smell a conspiracy right there. I believe that if there was an old fashion election day, where the votes were counted by hand with representatives of both parties present, Republican would not have won. I think that in places where Democrats won is because the Republicans could not find anyone to hack into those computers safely, without being noticed or the consider they only needed so many seats more in the Congress so they did not need to hack into all of them.
I would like all Americans to Google "Bush joking about Iraqi war, or weapons of mass destruction Bush jokes.